Cove Quilters Challenge

Early in December, one of our bee members, Sandra, suggested we have a challenge. She had bought a copy of the Twelve x 12 Challenge book and was very inspired by what this group of art quilters had done. She suggested our bee should embark on a bit of a challenge with a finished size of 12" square, we should try out some new techniques and it had to be done by January 25. She suggested our first theme be "birds".

Top, left to right - Vicki, LindaH, Linda M, Barb, Heather, Donna, Sandy and Sandra

Eight of us took her up on the challenge and though we gather bi-weekly we didn't bring our challenge to bee or discuss them. We had the grand unveiling at Sandra's last week. We were delighted to have our long distance member Heather join us via Skype. This was the first time we tried it and it worked very well.

My challenge is called "The Empty Nest". I was inspired by a post on Jane Sassaman's blog for the bird's nests she made for her Christmas tree. It was fun to make and I will do some for next Christmas for our tree. The background of the block I cut and slashed and inserted the branches, if I was doing it again I would make the branches more irregular. The leaves are raw edge applique and I did a bit of machine quilting. a fun and quick project once I had the plan! Vicki is keeping a journal of each piece and what she did, techniques used along with notes of what worked or didn't. I must do that before I forget.

Sandra, Jane, Donna, Sandy, Vicki, Linda, Terry and Heather visiting via Skype!

Our next challenge is based on chocolate and candy! Linda gathered a selection of chocolate bars and candy and put them in a bag. We each drew one to use as our inspiration or theme. Some of us are going to be really challenged! Mine is a Mars bar!

We drew for Heather and she got the box of Starburst candies. Sandra outdid herself with "bird" themed treats - birds nest cookies and a little bag of bird seed tied with cardinal ribbon. It was a great afternoon with a great flock of quilters!

In keeping with the bird theme, Sandy brought along one of the penguins she has made from the pattern found at PurlBee. Several other bee members are making them too, Heather has 3 done and Sandra and I have several in various stages of completion. They are just so cute!