The Old and the New

The old...when we were in Calgary visiting Andrew, Christy and Molly I noticed that Andrew's first quilt was looking a little worse for wear. Taking a closer look I realized that the binding was disintegrating and needed replacement. I suggested I'd bring it home and replace it, wash the quilt and let it blow in the sea breeze for a while. Molly was particularly intrigued that the quilt would come back smelling of the ocean!

I made the quilt about 35 years ago, back when fabric choices were very limited here in NS. A friend and I had ordered a lot of Ely and Walker calico prints and the local Woolco had a few other cotton prints. These are a few of the Ely and Walker that I have left.

I think this is the only quilt I have ever made using just 3 colours! If I was making this quilt now it would probably have at least 30 or 40 different prints. The quilt block is called "Andrew Jackson Star", it seemed appropriate for a boy named Andrew, though his middle name is not Jackson!

I was pretty sure I still had some of the red print in my stash, I was delighted to find it and had more than enough to replace the binding. I have done repairs on old quilts before and I always felt odd taking out someone else's stitches. This is the first of my own that I have repaired. I hope it lasts at least another 35 years before I have to replace it again!

The new...I just finished basting granddaughter Molly's new quilt. She had helped me pick out many of the fabrics last year when we visited, all pinks. This had to be a pink quilt! But I couldn't use just a few pinks, I think I have used more than 30 different ones. It was fun to piece and now I am looking forward to quilting it. I am quilting it by hand so it will be a while before she gets it. I just hope she has inherited my patience!