Another New Year

September always feels like a new year to me with school back and routines beginning. I know my kids are going to be thrilled with this...

Too cute - back to Tower Rd School 1978! Kate was going in to primary and Andrew into grade 2! We had just come back from a sabbatical year in England and they were excited to be back with their friends. We had a wonderful year in England, both kids were in a great school and we had lots of interesting adventures. Now their own kids are going back to school! We have Evan in grade 5, Ben in grade 3 and in Calgary, Molly is in grade 4 and Marcus has another year before he goes in to primary.

Back here, work is progressing well on the exterior of the house. Peter has finished the Orchard St side (and the back) and is now on the front of the house. It is very time consuming and fiddly with all the decorative trim around the windows and the door. He has a fan club who drive or walk by everyday to check on his progress and comment, all very encouraging! We are hoping the front will be finished this fall and he will wait till the spring to do the garden side.

Orchard St. side all done except for the basement window.

Orchard St. side all done except for the basement window.

Starting the front, the right hand side is all striped now , priming starts tomorrow. The weather is co-operating for a change!

Starting the front, the right hand side is all striped now , priming starts tomorrow. The weather is co-operating for a change!

I have had a busy summer in my sewing room. Two baby quilts are done and have been sent off to a new great nephew in Toronto and a new soon-to-be-born "great" in October in Calgary. I finished two Hallowe'en tops and they are ready to be quilted. And I have a Christmas quilt at Lynn's waiting to be quilted on her long arm.

This pattern is called "Pinetop", the colours are rather odd, it isn't as creamy yellow as it looks! The pattern was a real challenge, it was a first-time pattern and had not been pattern tested! I was glad I hadn't cut it all out beforehand! Hopefu…

This pattern is called "Pinetop", the colours are rather odd, it isn't as creamy yellow as it looks! The pattern was a real challenge, it was a first-time pattern and had not been pattern tested! I was glad I hadn't cut it all out beforehand! Hopefully I will have the "after" picture soon!

I am anxious to get back to some hand work now. I have two projects to finish up with the hand quilting, one hand piecing project and one hand applique project. There is always something!

Our bi-annual Quilter's Retreat at Pictou Lodge is coming up again on September 23-27th. Can't wait to be back at Pictou Lodge and gather with 64 other quilters and 3 teachers. This is our 15th Retreat, we started it after we hosted Quilt Canada in 1984. I am so pleased it is still going strong!
